1- 25 November 2025, Full Program, Thru Hike
Palestinian Heritage Trail is a long-distance cultural hiking route in Palestine. The trail is about 500 km long and extends from the village of Rummana northwest of Jenin to Beit Mirsim southwest of Hebron back to Artas in Bethlehem, in addition to the newly developed Jerusalem segment that starts in Eizariya through the Old City of Jerusalem towards the villages in the Northwest (Beit Suriq to Beit Duqqo) (See map). The trail passes through more than 60 Palestinian cities, villages and local communities where travelers can experience and enjoy the authentic Palestinian Hospitality. The Palestinian Heritage Trail is more than just a hiking trail. It is a means of meeting and making connections with local Palestinians and hikers from all over the world. You can explore Bedouin communities and experience the traditional Palestinian dishes, which is one of Palestine’s most fundamental traditions. The Palestine Heritage Trail does not only invite hikers to experience nature but also to change their perspectives by recognizing shared common values and creating friendships along the way. Slogan: “walk a path of history, Experience Nature and Hospitality”